Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Theme of the day: Telephones.

           You should have made some plans with me,
                      You knew that I was free,
               And now you won't stop callin' me,
                            I'm kinda busy.
                     Lady Gaga- Telephone

The first two lines are a little bit irrelevant to my day, but the last two lines are DEFINITELY my day today. ...And for the past few weeks.

1) Maybe I've started being "annoying" with the texts I've started sending to them. I don't think so, but lately when they don't reply, it feels that way. It's not like I'm being an "annoying", lonely, creepy stalker that constantly calls though...

2) OhMyGod. Stop. Calling. Me. Every. Day. Twice. A. Day.
It's so annoying, I'm busy. I have SO much homework. I'm sick. I'm stressed. Now I'm over using periods. THIS IS WHAT YOU'RE DOING TO ME.

Oh dearest blog that I'd probably be in major trouble if anyone found, thanks for letting me vent and not calling me x34698575673 a day in return.

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